Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monday Morning Dream

Before I woke up, I was in the midst of a rather detailed dream.

I had gone to visit the guy who runs a humorous website I enjoyed in the dream to ask him something. I get there and he lives in a trailer with his maybe 3 year-old daughter and it looks as though they're poor.. but in the pond next to the trailer this guy has built a full replica of an old sail-powered warship with one deck of guns like the USS Constitution. It's all together, just not painted or finished yet so I got to explore the whole thing. When I got outside again we talked about something, then I jerked and looked up as three flights of different jets SCREAMED overhead just inches above the treetops - my ears were hurt, but my adrenaline was jacked and it was awesome. It looked like this guy lived right amid a testing range... not waterfront property, water ON property! =Þ So suddenly there is a God-awful HUGE explosion of flame as one of the jets dropped a massive napalm cannister. Ball of flame up into the air, we felt the shockwave and the heat - I felt like I was getting an instant tan, meanwhile pucker factor was high. A series of other conventional bombs detonated in different spots all up and down the side of his property beyond the pond with the warship. So we're watching this and I'm thinking he's nuts to live here with his daughter. A couple official types show up and we're talking. I look at the pond and there is a UH-1B Huey on its side on the pond in front of the warship. I felt compelled to tell everyone present that my dad had been in the first unit to receive the UH-1H model with the stronger engine and had seen action in all corps as well as spec ops and mike force work. Then I noticed the 1B was drifting towards the bow of the warship and warned the dude. We were tense for a minute, but when it hit it didn't damage anything. Now the jets are pulling low-level maneuvers and one of them tears ass under some electrical wires on a street. His buddy tries to pull off the same move, but sheared off his entire rudder. The jet didn't immediately crash or anything. He managed to pull it off for a while since the base of the rudder was still there. But when he tried to come in for a landing at the airfield, the lower speed and higher angle of attack on his landing approach made him lose control of the yaw and the jet crashed before he could eject.
So now I find myself downtown in the top of an airfield control tower which looks more like a 70s office with a bunch of cheap chairs. Not sure what went on there, but I gave a statement - probably about the crash.
I end up back in my neighborhood, but its not the real neighborhood. I'm walking down from the back entrance to the neighborhood, but everything is much farther spaced apart and it is a long trek. The houses are also now mansions in proportion and I feel as though I must be quiet. Somewhere in here as I am coming down the hills I see a plane in the distance - it has two engines - but the right wing has lost a few feet! It is flying ok, but has to land. I end up at some weird place that could not be a real airfield - it's more like a nook or bend in the mountain - but the plane comes in to land... lands... but now it tears off it's LEFT wing and cartwheels sideways. It comes to rest and they pull out this teenager kid who is scared crapless because he had lifted his dad's plane without permission! D'oh! lol. But he's alive. I end up shopping in a toystore for some kids now... yeah, magically transplanted yet again...I'm looking at GI Joe's and thinking to myself "where are the cool old ones? these here are silly!" I keep looking and I find a section of the store where they make custom play houses for kids... like life-size wooden mock-ups of tanks, planes, bunkers,etc.... it was tres cool. Think Wal-Mart meets Home Depot?? I end up flirting with a seductive slender blonde woman with long sexy legs and a hot skirt and suddenly I'm back in my neighborhood... at her house? Weird (but obviously rather satisfying!) I eventually leave to go home, and as I'm walking down the street and around the sweeping bend in Wisk-key Wind where I see the house.... that is presicely when I woke up.

I SO wish we could take digital pictures in our dreams. I would have some AWESOME galleries! It would also be a great way to spark memories of some of my dream stories.

Monday, June 11, 2007

As my good friend, Rob, would say....

"F_ck the f_cking f_ckers!"


I shouldn't be, but I remain awake at....4:30am? Still working. Yuk.

Well, what should have been a pleasant Sunday morning was marred by the arrival of one of Wallingford's finest. Not knocking them at all, I was born and raised around our thin blue line and this particular guy seemed like a straight shooter. All the same, it was not fun for the whole family to go into high tension for a short time..... was Shelley in an accident? Did something happen on Nana's side of the family? Are they really pushing THIS hard for donations to the PBA this year? etc etc... As it turns out, some schmucks in the next neighborhood are having a bit of a feud. The bad part is that someone figured out that we had a wireless router in the house for shelley's laptop and (most likely) used it to send text messages to phones via AIM from inside our network so it tracked back to our Comcast IP address. The jerks. It figures.... Rob and I spend all this time and money putting together the firewall and network to keep people from doing exactly this by coming into our network from the internet. And then to have someone just hop on via the wireless and undo it all.... A) I feel violated, B) I feel humiliated, C) I want to find this (apparently high-school aged punk) and ... shall we say... convince him of his wrongdoing?

Dirty little schmuck. On the plus side... if they got in via the wireless, then they are likely in a nearby house, though it could possibly have been done from a car. Who knows? In any case, now we're living with the fear of the FBI raiding our house and removing all of our tens of thousands of dollars worth of hardware while we are left with no outlet for trading and income. Let me tell you, I'll flip it that happens.

On the plus side? We're all innocent, so no matter what happens to our computers we'll be bourne out as not being involved. But it's the in-between time that will suck. Not fun. I think we're actually going to add our names to the complaint with the police against whoever is doing this because they have A) besmudged our name, B) threatened our security (the threats I read which were passed across from the officer sounded like a depression case like the kid in the vampire show last night - stalking these people in the next neighborhood and threatening to "swiss cheese" their house??), and C) possibly threatened the security of our business and trading accounts, etc.

God help the little buggar when the cops or feds or whoever find him. And you just know it's some shut-in ill-adjusted punk thinking they're ahead of the curve. Hope it all catches up to them!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

D-Day / Coding

First, let us remember our current troops overseas as we consider the immense historical importance which June 6th, 1944 represents in ALL our lives today. We have all been touched by the successful outcome of World War II and the ensuing world events. Likewise, almost all of us have or have had family who participated in various aspects of the war. I salute The Greatest Generation.

Second, I don't know why I am still awake at nearly 2:30 and fuddling with program code. Bleh. We got a new program for the stock aspect of things (which I am nowhere near yet), but if I can get the scan properly built I can reduce what takes WEEKS of cheerless research to approximately a 5 minute scan. I have 90% of it figured out already, but the final 10% of coding is going to take a long time to figure out and then get straight. Fun is.

Oh, and Tori and I tried to watch "Friends With Money" tonight and were bout ready to throw it out onto the street after the first 20 minutes. We even gave it extra time to perk up, but no. Gah, Jennifer Aniston chooses CRAP movies!! That breakup one drove me nuts, too.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Hey, it's Monday again! =)

Nothing new to post. Couple of good thunder storms since last week. We unplugged the PC's downstairs for no apparent reason and the firewall seems to have caught a static discharge. Good thing we have two! That problem drove me nuts all weekend.

Hmmm... saw Knocked Up with Tori upon her gentle demand Friday night. It was entertaining and, admittedly, better than I expected. Funny, but I'm not going to tell you all you MUST go see it. DVD will be fine...also might be cheaper, LOL.

The poison ivy outbreak is subsiding now. THANK GOD! I can move and be human again. And that is probably the best news all weekend right there.

Oh, and Brian is officially off the friend list and bumped to acquaintance. Fair weather friend that he has been, I haven't heard back from him after leaving two messages of congratulations and well wishing for his first anniversary. I'm not happy about it since we've got a lot of history, but he's been flaky for a while now - only hangs out with people who are wealthy. Meh.