Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A New Post

Hmmm... what ELSE is going on these days? LOL

Well, since everyone knows, I wrote Leigh's mom last night. I thought I would make a peace offering and extend to her both the other side of the story and the ability to speak with me, since Leigh clearly identifies me as the source of all her stress. Yes, apparently I control her, live in the apartment 8 nights a week, and leave my food and dishes all over the place. I'm guessing I also am the reason her car broke down, I probably forced her to spend all her money leasing a new car, and I'm sure I told her where Tori's personal things were, as well as hinted that all the juicy info was hidden in saved IM files on Tori's PC.

::blinks pointedly::

But no response yet. I had hoped it would be a productive avenue to pursue should there be more trouble with Leigh. A way to say "What's going on?" instead of calling making threats and accusations.

How many people have ever been accused of being a killer for buying someone's groceries and dropping off/picking them up from getting their car? Seriously!

It was obvious she was flipping out at the car place when she came out waving her hands in the air and swearing. Even THAT was a major overreaction to what happened.... it's a car, which she doesn't need to get to work, and she wasn't paying for the repair.... why flip out? And then to call Tori disrespectful and blow up at me when I'm trying to find out what's going on?

If there's anyone in that apartment who has the makings of a homicide/suicide case, it's the ibe who's been drinking too much maple syrup!

Foamy: "Switch to decaf, man!" LOL

Let's see, non-crazy stuff......

Not sure if it's NOT crazy, but is everyone following the Hezbollah/Lebanon thing with Israel? I can see why Israel is taking the hardline position. You let it happen once and they will keep doing it, so you beat them hard the first time and they don't come back for a second taste. That works with punks and kids, but I doubt it'll stem the tide of the overall mass of religious zealots. Though it should send a really clear picture to Hezbollah!

But now Israel is declaring a connection to Iran with the capture of those original two soldiers. Supposedly, Iran organized the kidnapping to take attention off of their nuclear programme. D'oh!

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. But let me tell you what will happen next. We'll be back at the UN debating the meaning and limitation of the clause in the UN Charter (Chapter or sub-clause 7 I think? Hard to remember) regarding the right to defend through pre-emptive strikes.

Geography Lessons 101:
Iraq is West of Iran.
Afghanistan is Northeat of Iran.
The US has the majority of all our overseas forces in, around, and positioned to support those regions. While I don't foresee a land war, particularly not from the north, it remains possible. Though I'm sure we'll just see an escalation of threats, counter-threats and accusations leading up to air patrols, then air strikes.

"Then what, Dr. Chaos?"

Then Iran responds by putting images on every newcast in the world of oil tankers burning and sinking in the Persian Gulf. After that it is open season and their side (as well as perhaps our own) goes to hell.

Well, let's hope that this time there's someone along the way who takes a minute to pause and reflect on the outcome.

That's about all I've got for now. Looking forward to the outdoor jazz concert, maybe some fishing, some gaming, and perhaps the Renaissance Festival this weekend. =)



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