Monday, May 29, 2006

Mr. Brian James and Mrs. Priya White

It's done! Brian is married! Did we ever think that would happen? Two years ago I was worried because he never dated. Look at him now. =)

The wedding and reception were both held at the Wadsworth Mansion in Middletown. I have driven past it before, but never explored. It was very scenic and an entirely appropriate setting for yesterday's event. The wedding itself was interesting. The Hindu ceremony was a greatly shortened one consisting of just 30 minutes when some go on as long as a full week! You can see one picture where Brian is cupping Priya's hands and she is smiling. This is because the master of ceremonies (not sure the Hindu term) had to correct him about 5 times as to how to hold her hand. It was highly entertaining! No rehearsal there! lol Brian looked somber throughout the entire wedding and didn't come back to himself until he was off the stage. I imagine he was very emotional and trying to control himself. That, or wondering what he was doing. But they love each other, so I vote for the former. Priya was very emotional and after several close calls finally broke down for a minute and cried. It was really sweet. Then, after about 40 minutes of not understanding what was being done or said. And let me add that even those who were native to the religion were clueless because it was all being read in Sanscrit, "Sanscrit? You're majoring in a 1000 year-old dead language? Here's a paper on Latin, it's the best I can do. Get out of here." Come on, we all still remember P.C.U. right? =) So anyway, after admiring the ceremony, but not fully understanding the different rites, the Catholic priest did her thing with them and she added some humor which really elevated the setting.

It was a great time! Especially being able to see EVERYONE gathered in one setting. That never happens, and I enjoyed it a lot. Afterwards, everyone landed at Cannon's for drinks, but I skipped it and went to the shoreline to see my Tori. =)

Sidenote - of all of my friends? I am by far the one who is aging the best. By FAR. With possible exception of Jay, but only because of his tan. LOL

The dream I had last night was pretty cool. At first I was in space helping command a frigate, then I was in a fighter hurtling towards a planet. Once there, I got mixed up with these ... perhaps refugees? It eventually became clear that the setting was partly based on Star Wars and partly on.... Last of the Mohicans? Odd mix. But there was a large group of civilians being shepherded through a dangerous area and they were being tracked down by another force bent on destroying them. I hooked up with the group and began giving my full energy to save them. They didn't trust me and I didn't know why. Of course, I ended up falling for one of the young women in the group, though we weren't allowed much of a relationship since I was always out on patrol. At one point, I almost got taken out by what I realized were mercenaries or bounty hunters who were hunting us. I was on a canoe-ish boat and FLYING down a river to escape. Ditched it before a small waterfall and hid myself in some rocks and let them go past chasing the boat. Only then did I realize I had hidden myself within a group of natives, who took me captive. I was brought before whoever it was who was in charge of the government. He, in turn, waited for his lord to arrive. His word, not mine. Turns out it's Darth Vader. Cool. Turns out further that, hey! I'm his son! (No, I'm not Luke....) He chastized the guy next to me for failing his job, but didn't kill him. Then he spoke to me about expectations and my advancement in training. Somehow, it didn't matter that I was helping the Rebels. This was immaterial. Not a betrayal, not affecting anything. Like it was assumed and part of a calculated step. But then, this wasn't really Star Wars because Vader WAS the Emperor and I got the sense that the Rebellion here had no shot. The rest is fuzzy since I was waking up. But something to do with a hospital where I was in charge, but I had to be careful they didn't learn who I really was. But one of the nurses knew and blackmailed me into.... well, fun! =) The hospital was like Mid-State in Meriden, but connected to the mall? WEIRD. I preferred the Star Wars part of the dream. Running, adrenaline, attraction, and that feeling you get when you accept that you are going to give - but it's ok because it's to help others. Hard to explain, it's a sad feeling but a happy one. It's like feeling really ok with everything in the world.

Ah well. Dreams are nutty! Enjoy the pics!


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