Monday, May 29, 2006

Hospital Trips: What we all need on Memorial Day

Of course, what else do you want to eat when you are under observation for a heart attack....? You guessed it, Dunkin' Donuts. Funny though it may be while posing for the picture, it's still pretty scary. I'm glad her spirits are high, but it is not a fun prospect to have your mom in the hospital. And why is it that whenever you REALLY want to get somewhere in a hurry, you are made to travel far SLOWER than normal? Between 95S and 9N, then trying to get through the Middletown section.... I wanted to RAM ever car in front of me. However, I just hummed along safely behind everyone. You'd never know I was in a hurry, it was only my internal monologue that was hurling profanities at the twits in their SUVs and mini-vans choking the road.

They had both left Brian's wedding reception early and quickly last night. I presumed it to be due to a not uncommon intestinal distress, perhaps from the food. But when I got home at almost 4 am I found out she had been having rather severe pain in her left arm. She had also felt disoriented. So they came home, she took some tylenol or aspirin and rested. Today I woke up at 1pm, because it's a holiday and I wanted to sleep in, dammit! So I came downstairs and the note left for me said they had gone out for brunch. Ok, no alarms there. It wasn't until just after 5pm, after driving all the way to Tori's, then Mystic and whatnot for Panera and Coldstone (yummy!) that I got a call from my dad saying they were at Mid-State and had been there since 9:30. I'm guessing we all want to look back at my last posting now in reference to Mid-State, don't we? So I just got back from being there. Again, she is in high spirits, has GREAT blood pressure (I mean, almost ideal at 127 over 74) and they are holding her until tomorrow to run stress tests and see what they can find.

I feel REALLY beat right now.


Blogger Tusc said...

And right now I feel really wired. Go figure! It's... oh, about 3:30 am on Tuesday. The rest of the world is still sleeping or recovering before going back to work in the morning.

Not me! No, I stayed up to try and fix my dad's PC. Apparently, Ad-Watch has a funky problem where it automatically locks the Registry files. But there's a glitch or something that made it re-write said files and make Windows XP Pro(pane) forget how to deal with each and every stock Windows file association extension.

For the rest of us, that means anything .exe, .com, .lnk or dot-anything stopped working.


I won't go into the PAIN it caused, but after getting successively closer to a cure on each attempt only to be set back by 5 hours of work each time.... I FINALLY got it fixed tonight. I'm typing from that pc as we speak.

But I finished that around 2. Since then I have been working at emptying out the back room of the basement of all my dad's CRAP. What a crap-fest!

I realized that some of it is actually my own stuff, but had been BURIED for so long by other people's stuff that I didn't know it was there.

Progress? Imagine a room roughly 10x10x8 filled wall to wall and floor the ceiling. I have successfully now cleared roughly 1/2 of that space. The rest has to be gone through by the old man. I wash my hands of it.

Basically, he needs to learn to THROW SHIT OUT. There are whole plastic containers full of war magazines from the 90s (maybe 80s?) stacked on top of each other. They haven't been referenced since they were put in there, so they are going to get TOSSED if he doesn't do it first.

Back to the pile 'o crap. Have a good Tuesday everyone.

3:32 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Yo Rob! Any ideas on when we can get some gaming in?

Also - I have NO idea where to look for info regarding why the HL2 server files no longer work. Can you give me some ideas on where to start?

3:39 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

Yar, let me see what's going on this weekend, might be able to get some in. How's your mom doing? Glad to see she is in good spirits, still scary though. Give me a call tonight or send an IM, or both :)

11:06 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Shelley, yeah they didn't want to alarm you. But I know we both prefer to KNOW STUFF when it happens. She's still up there having tests done, so I know nothing yet. But her BP was near perfect last night, which is great. I'll let you know whatever there is to know whenever it is I find it out. ;)

I'm concerned, but not too worried. Go about your vacation... (and NEVER LEAVE AGAIN if this is what happens) =P

Love you!
Bring me stuff! =)
Preferably something 5'8" 118lbs and female age 20-25 with dark hair and eyes.

1:24 PM


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