Sunday, November 27, 2005

Have you ever had your inner child grin from ear to ear? I don't have a clue how to describe it and I won't attempt to here as I fire out this quick post, but I am simply very happy and at ease with Tori. The same seems readily apparent in reverse. We mesh seemlessly in so many ways. She's more intelligent, wittier, outright zanier (word?), cuddly and sensual than any woman I have known to date. That officially includes Jing, too.

(BTW - more evidence for my "I dated a Chinese spy" theory.... heard from Adam recently that she is now married with two children in Brussels... her husband is an ambassador. The girl's life has been far too coincidental, if you ask me.)

But is this infatuation? So much, so fast... having been manipulated in the past, I recognize the whisper of hesitancy in my ear. At the same time, I find myself biting on my tongue when we say goodnight now not to blurt out the L word. I don't agree with not saying it when I feel it. And there is no other reason than to avoid exposing myself to being hurt again. I have misplaced my trust before and am perhaps gunshy, but I know I can trust Tori. On the same token, would it be fair to her if I broached that next level so shortly before my likely transfer to Baltimore? She must finish this last semester, and while she would have great freedom as a recent graduate to move south with me if she felt that strongly.... would it be fair to have her pining for me from so far away?

Eh, so those are some ripples that went through my mind recently. My response is more "Why waste life energy worrying? Say it, man!" And that's where I'm going. But I would like to find a really good moment for it if I can. Besides, if I wait too long I'll end up blurting it out sometime by accident. LOL, how did all of this come about!?!?!? I won't even get into the crazy timing...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Holidays At Their Very Best

I love that warm snuggly feeling from having family all around. Or maybe I'm still verschnickered from last night? Thanksgiving was pretty great this year. Who could ask for a better accompaniment than several inches of snow? It was a rather nice touch! Of course, I offered to pick up Tori since we would be making the rounds all day, so I trudged off through the snow and ice (yes, ice in Wallingford and Durham) to get her. I love wintery weather when it is dark and snowing or bright and sunny, I just wish there was a way to be rid of those dark damp days in between when there is just slush and muck everywhere.

Thanksgiving was a good event. My Uncle, the Town Councilman, came to dinner with us. Gram blessed us with her presence. The Stones were not in attendance this year, as Sharon likely was playing hostess. Dinner was BUNDABAH! (sp) I personally had roughly two helpings worth of everything.... turkey, STUFFING!, corn, 'taters, sweet 'taters, greens, and plenty of chardonnay. Tori's pumpkin cookies were kick-ass for dessert, especially if warmed up with a bit of ice cream... yum!

Everyone hung around and chatted for a while afterwards. Mostly, it was my family sharing entertaining and embarrassing stories from throughout my life. I did my very most valiant best, but still succumbed to at least a 10 minute nap in the den. LOL When I re-emerged, topics of me were still on the table. I made sure to correct as much fallacious information as possible. ;)

Pretty neat thing... never had it before... (drumroll) But the grandmother took me aside and said how lovely my girlfriend was and how much she liked her. =) That made me happy. I love my gram and hope to be as much the patriarch to my clan as she has ever been the matriarch to all growing up. =)

So, yes, T-Day was good this year. Went back to Tori's place, had some more desserts and spent time w/ her bros and one of their friends. Quite the lively, silly bunch! I fit right in! I think they're as nuts as I am. Tori and I retreated to the den where we watched several episodes of Family Guy before passing out on the couch. She is the first truly warm-blooded female I have ever met. Many girls are generally cold all the time, or perhaps just luke-warm. Tori is as much a furnace as I am. If we stay close to each other for too long, we begin to bake! It makes a good excuse for shedding a layer or two. ;)

I felt bad, though. She invited me to stay over so we could stay up late and so I could have an easier commute, but she never told me she would be sleeping on the couch. I felt SO bad! I don't want to displace anyone. Regardless, I don't think she went down to the couch until close to 4, but I still felt bad... ish. =P

Work today is at a relaxed pace. I'm just jotting this down on my break. Ate breakfast here, just a bagel + cream cheese, then went to get my mail... omg... some angelic soul made FUDGE and brought it in for all the department heads. OMG, it is so good! I need to go get milk! =) Soon, I'll go down and help set up the Christmas decorations in the main hall. After that, it's out to Centerbrook for lunch w/ Miss Tori... that'll probably be the end of work for the day, so I scheduled lunch for 1 or 1:30. Tonight? I believe there was an interest expressed in seeing Rent, which I must admit I am curious to see. In the past, I have not often gone to see musicals or plays in the theatre. That is slowly changing, and there are SO many good productions right in CT now. Anything beyond that, I'm not sure of tonight. Perhaps Rob will join me for some gaming tomorrow. I've invited Tori to swing by in the evening... she's curious to watch 'The Purple Heart Sword' and maybe we can con Rob (and Shelley) into some bowling and beer? Or cards and beer? Anything... plus beer.

Have a good Friday, all. I hope Thanksgiving was as gleeful an event for everyone as it has been for me.

::Buuuuurp!:: Could you please pass the stuffing? Thanks!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Excellent... Tori's family doesn't eat until 5 on Thanksgiving, so she WILL be in attendence for the Stewart festivities. Yay...! =)

Of course, that means I will have to eat, pass out from eating, wake up and be able to drive back to East Lyme by 4. Ok, I can do that. =P

Also... maybe I WILL take Wednesday off anyway, because Friday will be a gimme. Go in, take it easy, go to lunch w/ Tori and head out. Not bad. Not the straight 5 days off I was hoping for, but not bad. It's workable.

Ok, all for now. BBL