Sunday, May 06, 2007

Weekend in Review

Shot from the base of the waterfalls visible off I-91 North past Exit 20.

If you look closely, there's a waterfall in this picture.

Camera settings were wrong... Shelley played with some stuff that I don't usually adjust so the shots could be clearer, but they still came out well. There's a shot of my beard after hacking it down by 2/3rds over the week. Still learning how to "care" for it without messing it up.

Well, LAST weekend was a blur. Moved Paul and Meg into their house in Cromwell along with the rest of the gang. Was a lot of work, but between about 8 guys and 4 trucks we got everything done in about 4 hours. Apparently, I am out of the loop with tv shows. Everyone was swapping opinions on this or that current show with emphasis on superhero topics and I didn't have a clue. LOL ::shrugs:: I just don't watch tv shows other than the various HBO series.

Stopped off in Newington afterwards and spent a few hours helping Maureen and her folks work over the condo she just bought. Nice place. Not sure what she paid for it, but I liked the view from her bedroom. Well, er... yes. =P Her mom was really nice and I'm pretty sure she liked me. Moms usually do, go figure. Though I had to rank on Chewie (Antonio) a little bit in his absence since he skipped out of an afternoon of helping everyone work to go to the wedding ceremony of an intern he has only known a short time....... not a wrong decision, but I thought it didn't really fit. I mean, his gf just bought her first place and her folks AND his folks and her friends are there busting ass while he's at a wedding for someone he's only known a short time. Ah well. But that was a good weekend. I enjoyed the labor.

This weekend...

Spider-Man 3: Parker Cries Again

Tori and I share the opinion that Spider-Man is a nappy-haired... wait, no... is a whiny loser. I've always been on the page with how they have wanted to portray Peter Parker, but I was disappointed in this movie. Here we have a chance to see the Dark Side, but all we got was the Corny Side. I know it was meant to be humorous, but the part where he's acting "bad" was so ridiculous that I couldn't take the character seriously after that. Besides, all I could see was Adam Sandler from Little Nicky and that killed it. Also, choosing Topher Grace to be Venom in the end was just a poor choice. Was the movie BAD? No, it was still a good production. I just felt they had an opportunity to do much more with what they had.

I had to laugh, though. Tori was really funny on the way home badmouthing how weak Spidey/Peter Parker were as a character. I think the actor did a GOOD job of portraying him as the directors wanted, but the character has always been too wishy-washy. Like the way people try to sell us that Hamlet was really insane. Batman RULES. Of course, I am curious to see the Silver Surfer in the new Fantastic 4 this summer... but my main interest lies with Transformers and the next Bourne film.

So that was Friday. On Saturday we went and took care of some shopping on our way to her folks' place at the beach. HAD to stop for some ColdStone! =) Hung out on the shore for a while and dipped my feet in the frigid water for as long as I could stand, then just enjoyed the scenery for a while as we played with the curious sand and shells collected on the shore. I love just sitting around like that at the beach.

Had a good dinner with the Brown famdamily in celebration of Grampy's 78th year young. Talked tech with Doug for a while. Kit was MIA most of the night celebrating his friend Ramona's birthday. She's a little cutie. Intelligent and smart - good combo. He ought to date her if he gets the chance. Wrapped up the night talking investing with Buzz, who likes to see my opinion on this-or-that topic.

I watched an old movie last night. One I hadn't seen before. The Day of The Jackal from 1973. It had a number of good actors in the cast. One was the father of the French information brokers in the movie Munich, and another was the fellow who has starred as the immortal father in Underworld: Evolution, as Brother Cadfael in a cool medieval mystery series from the 80s, and as the narrator or whatnot in Henry V. It was interesting to see them as younger men. Especially since I just saw Underworld: Evolution tonight as contrast.

Today was pretty relaxing.... a short trip up the way to the waterfalls from above, as well as some touring through neighborhoods in Middletown/Cromwell. We followed up on the trip by lounging in the sun on the deck and doing a little reading. This was really enjoyable until some clouds dowsed the light and we began to freeze from the wind.

So all in all it has been a good week and weekend, just some strife with the paternal gene donor to make it less pleasant.

Looking forward to Shelley's birthday on Thursday! Now if only I could come up with good gift ideas...


Blogger Tusc said...

Oh, and I got the sign-up sheet for Jury Duty in the mail. Sending it back tomorrow, then I guess I find out later on when/if I get to go in. Woo!

Actually, I would be somewhat interested in getting to sit in for a case. I've always lucked out of it in the past.

Also... can anyone tell me what all is involved in getting a book published? I've read enough books that go straight to the recycle bin to know that it can't be THAT difficult. I am seeking something to do in lieu of my time gaming. Exercise is one excellent filler, and I thought that writing and/or getting back into drawing would be fun. I'd opt for learning to play guitar, but that would require lessons. Besides, I'm finally going through my material on learning to fly and that is enough education in itself!

12:41 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

Sounds like you had a busy/fun weekend. I can ask Jen if she has any info around regarding the publishing. Speaking of Gaming time, we'll have to get together for another gaming weekend.

7:56 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

I see your 8am post, but I don't see you on IM yet...?

Well, there might be a chance for this weekend or next weekend. If this weekend, I'd say we call it at the end of Saturday night since Mother's Day is Sunday. If next weekend, I don't believe there are any limitations but I'll check again.

Can you believe that I haven't played 2142 in almost three weeks? I have too much free time now! Not enough mind numbingness, and too much time for thought! =P

8:30 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Rather, too much time TO think. Obviously not enough to proof my posts, though, right? LOL

8:31 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Irish nursing homes have had us beat since the '70s.


8:37 AM

Blogger Tori said...

you look skinny in your picture.

12:14 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Thanks! I hope to continue that trend. ;)

1:25 PM


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