Sunday, March 25, 2007

Rome is over.... = (

I've never enjoyed a series so much before, but now it is through. They wrapped it up well enough for my tastes. Even the way they played Vorenus in the end was to my liking. Mark Antony found his own way, as well. And, of course, Titus Pullo swaggered his way through death and history to come out shining. I liked his character and the way Ray Stevenson portrayed him. With luck, he'll pick up some good movie roles.

Other than that, it's been a fun and busy weekend... ok, except for lazing about here tonight... I believe I have eaten my weight in food since Friday night!


Blogger Tori said...

all roads lead to rome.

yeah i dunno i just wanted to comment and that was all i could think of.

did the tudors start yet? is that show even on the same network?

5:07 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

I guess that makes you my Roma, baby.

LOL How corny does THAT sound? =P

Hey, Rob bailed on me for Sat. You can't hang with the girls now. =P J/K

I'll see what Mark or Paul are up to. Don't feel like wasting time with the Whites. Also may convince myself to try swapping the brake system on my car. We'll see.

Also, what time is your appointment on Fri?

10:50 PM

Blogger Tori said...

so i just found this post and figured i would post it here. any comments? do you think this is more liberal/conservative than democratic/republican? going by this list i'm most def a democrat.

Abortion - Democrats: Abortion is a woman’s right and should be legal - Republicans: Abortion should be illegal and restricted by government

Flag Burning - Democrats: Flag burning is political speech and is protected by the Constitution - Republicans: Protect the flag from burning by a constitutional amendment

Gun Control - Democrats: Favor/Gun control is needed - Republicans: Oppose/Gun control is unconstitutional

Natural Environment - Democrats: Strong regulations are needed to protect the environment - Republicans: Strong environmental laws harm the economy

Race Relations - Democrats: Strong anti-discrimination laws are needed - Republicans: People and businesses can be trusted not to discriminate

Minimum Wage - Democrats: Favor/Increase the minimum wage to help workers - Republicans: Oppose/Do not raise the minimum wage because it hurts businesses

Healthcare - Democrats: Government should require universal access to healthcare - Republicans: Private insurers are preferable to government mandates

Taxes - Democrats: Increase taxes on the wealthy to pay for public programs - Republicans: Cutting taxes for everyone helps the economy

Military - Democrats: Cut military spending; expand veteran’s benefits; act in concert with other nations and/or with support from NATO and the UN - Republicans: Increase military spending; cut veteran’s benefits; don’t be constrained by other nations or by NATO and the UN

Death Penalty - Democrats: Oppose/It is not a deterrent and innocent people are in jeopardy - Republicans: Favor/The death penalty is necessary and effective

Gay Rights - Democrats: Favor/Gays rights and marriage are civil rights - Republicans: Oppose/Marriage is a sacred trust between a man and woman

Prayer in School - Democrats: Oppose/Violation of the separation between church and state - Republicans: Favor/It is a religious right and our Judeo-Christian heritage

4:42 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

That is a very purposefully interpreted document created with the objective to sway simple minds. I am not on the one side. Nor am I on the other, at least perfectly.

When you slather simple propaganda around like this, it would be wise to at least get the separation of perspectives correct. I ought to read "liberal/democrat" and "conservative/Republican".

Democrats are like the fellow in 300 whom the queen stabs in the stomach: bandying popular causes and multi-syllabic words to churn simple common favor to their side for the sole purpose of maintaining their position. Don't mistake my position, I am no great fan of the Republican party either. But their stances on positions are at least well considered on their own before being defended.

Democrats, on the other hand, make a far greater satire of themselves as they take up only contrarian positions to those of the Republicans and stir the race pot.

The Republican party is wrong as often as it is right, but they at least take those varying positions as their own and press them... like a child raising their hand to answer a question in class... right, wrong or indifferent. The Democratic party then turns to the crowd like the attention-grabbing comedian in grade school and makes a snide comment for everyone to laugh about.

Which child seems better equipped to handle a tough situation and hazard a decision? Which child would be more likely to make a decision for self-preservation in a similarly difficult situation?

For all your insatiable thirst for reading... truly, I know no one else who reads so much as you... sometimes I am surprised when you don't apply your intellect. And I know you're not idling behind those big blue eyes, you are far too astute for that.

5:07 PM

Blogger Tori said...

omg, did you just call me an asstoot?

9:00 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

2:48 PM


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