Thursday, March 15, 2007


Had a dream or series of them last night which were interesting. I almost never have dreams relating directly or indirectly to people I know in real life, but last night the main two dreams dealt almost exclusively with people I know or have known. Mostly friends and lovers. I blame Shelley for getting me hooked into the movie yesterday, Baxter or The Baxter or something. The topics didn't mimic the movie, but the way people floated in and out did. It was all mildly entertaining to watch in a fairly waking state, but I snapped-to at the end when I was alone with someone who sort of broke through the dream bubble and said, "The bad [people] are waiting in the shadows."

What? That had NOTHING to do with what was happening in the dream. Nor did the way my attention was focused so clearly on this. It was strange, and left a mark on me as I woke up. Bad people? Bad things? Waiting for me? Shadows.... do I need to "shine a bit brighter" to ward it off? Does this dream come equipped with halogen lamps? And.... quite frankly.... where does the author of that dream get off leaving me with such a cliffhanger as I wake up? I'm writing a letter of complaint!


Blogger Tusc said...

Yeah, baby.... you better beware.... 'tis the Ides of March.

Ides + 2 = IRISH!

Ides + 4 = 28... not so happy with that math, LOL.

Ides + 6 = SPRING!

12:14 PM


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