Tuesday, April 25, 2006

La famiglia del Cicero

Paul and Megan were married on Saturday at 1:30 in the Little Italy section of Hartford. It was a Catholic ceremony, so the words to all the songs were just WAY way off from what little I know of my Episcopalean upbringing. And I felt dumb not knowing the responses in the prayers and hymns when everyone around me seemed to be devout as well as ingenious for knowing these long sections of scripture. Everyone else was like "abba dabba gloria benedica la mafia....aiutilo a vendere gli automobili difettosi"... and then I'd chime in at the end with a definitive Amen, or And also with you or something. It was fun.

The wedding came complete with the cute kids who carry the rings down the aisle. After the ceremony, the little boy had decided that he wanted no part in taking the girl's hand and walking back with her. He ran to his dad, who was able to convince him that he wasn't going to get koodies.

The ceremony was held at everyone's favorite hall at the Mt Carmel near Rentschler field. I did feel a little odd being solo at first, but quickly made friends. I've got to reach back out to Chris - we seem too much alike not to be friends. He works annuities for Mass Mutual, is a boat addict, as well as a Led Zep, Floyd and Tool fan. Big thumbs up! He's Carmelo's (Paul's older brother) best friend.

So that was it. They're all tied up legally now, for better or for worse, and honeymooning down in the Bahamas.

Now to take care of the two jamokes who let slip the whole story from the bachelor party to Megan.... there are boundaries assigned to this ritual which are not to be broken, gentlemen.

Here is the inside of the church just before the wedding.