Monday, February 05, 2007

Le Blog

You guys have probably noticed it sooner than I have, but I haven't been blogging much lately. Not there aren't plenty of topics to write about from day to day, but I've lost the motive to put it all on here. So this is just a semi-official acknowledgement that I'm not going to keep it up as frequently.

Really all this means is that it's more fun to post pictures and video links than to jabber all over the place.

So... less blah blah blah and more sis-boom-ba!

Your votes?


Blogger Ninja said...

Le sigh, yet another thing that I troll that won't be updated...oh well.

To bad there's not a chance that my Work POS machine would play BF2142 :)


10:40 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

LOL. Well if you troll it, respond to it more often and I might be motivated to write more and not feel like I'm bouncing my thoughts off the wall.

11:35 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

But even BF2142 and gaming in general... I've barely gamed at all in the past three weeks except for a little IL2. I'm experiencing a form of withdrawal, but it's part of my plan here. Trying to get back in shape and I told myself that for a fraction of the late night hours I waste on programs I could be in outstanding shape.

I have only done 1 day of weights (took a break since the lower back needs to develop more before I really pound the heavy metal) and a week or more of pushing myself on the bike. So far I am unsure of any weight loss (too close or variable, plus I haven't changed my intake yet) but the BFI has dropped a solid 1%. 6 more to go!

11:39 AM

Blogger Tori said...

but i already don't post, someone needs too!

12:59 PM


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